Monday, July 14, 2008

Time to shift gears and talk about Dr's.

My post below isn't meant to be a slam against the website I mentioned. I read and post on there and enjoy it. I also get pissed off sometimes when I do so, but obviously they are pissed off too, so it all works out.

Today I had an appointment with my Dr. , the Dr. who has been my Dr. for going on 12 years now. He is a GP not a specialist and that is starting to cause problems.

He's old school.

He thinks depressed people should just 'snap out of it'.

He doesn't think chronic pain is a REAL ailment. He has never SAID that, but all signs point to the fact that he really doesn't take it seriously.

I have a much longer post about my appt. today. I got so mad at him I called him a fucking fuck ( !!!) ...I fully intend to write every detail of this appt. down and do so from now on.

I've no idea who or if anyone reads this, but it doesn't matter really. It makes me feel better to have somewhere to air out my anger/concerns/problems regarding my health issues. It may also come in handy later incase I need to remember a certain thing from a certain date.

Deep down though, I do hope it gets some readers and commenters eventually because it makes things so much easier when you have other people to talk/type to who are in the same boat as you are in.

But, right now I have to sit down somewhere comfortable because I have been on my feet all day and am aching from head to toe. So, I will partake in some EVIL narcotic medication and then come back and write about the horrible day I had and how for the 1st time I went completely bonkers on my Dr. and told him some 'home truths' that only happen in a small town. lol

That will make more sense when I finish this entry I promise.

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